Friday, October 19, 2018

Excuse me there are crumbs in my Jumble


  ‘Get ready girls. Get ready. I’m letting them in.’ Miss Caruthers unbolts the door and nimbly hops to one side, her netball skirt twitching upwards. The pit head looms silent and still in the morning mist beyond the waiting crowd.
   The sheer force of the stampeding bargain hunters, who have been waiting at the church hall doors since seven am to be let in, jolts the trestle tables out of the uniform u shape into crooked angles. The new configuration appearing like broken teeth at the end of a fight. The stall holders groan and push against their tables to avoid being wedged against walls by the hoards pressing in on them.
 ‘Twenty pence a toffee cake, only twenty pence.’  The chorus of girl guides voices from the kitchen is lost in the hum of activity.
Twenty Pence

This is an excerpt from the collection Thirteen Hundred Crumbs
if you'd like to read more contact

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