I've stood up on stage a million times.
I have made people laugh.
And I have failed in a myriad of ways.
Then I started to teach stand up comedy with Roarhouse
Here are some crumbs from the edges of the stage.
Stand up Comedy
The Perils_ The Pleasures _The Pitfalls.
The Perils_ The Pleasures _The Pitfalls.
The only way to learn how to do stand up
comedy is by doing it.
Write material using your life experiences as
a spring board.
You probably need to be through the pain to
make it funny.
Doing stand up comedy is a craft – learn it
by writing it, honing it and doing it again and again.
Comedy usually comes in 3’s
Set up the joke, create a conflict, the punch
line should resolve the conflict and take us somewhere we don’t expect to go
Comedy is made up of 3 tenants fear,
humiliation and failure – master the tenants.
You can only be as funny as you - so don’t try to be as funny as someone else.
Get better at telling a few jokes rather than
trying to write a lot of jokes or a whole show.
Commit to the material, learn it, don’t read
it off the back of your hand.
It’s ok to be the butt of your own joke - but the comedian must stay on top.
Learn how to use the microphone and move the
Keep your delivery fresh as if you’ve just
thought about it.
If you’re enjoying it then the audience will
enjoy it.
Making people laugh is a gift - enjoy giving the gift.
The only thing you can control at a gig is
If people aren’t laughing it doesn’t mean
that they aren’t enjoying it.
If it’s not going well don’t apologize.
What the worst that can happen? – no one
laughs – but no one dies.
Understand fear and use it to your advantage.
Fail and fail fast - then get up and do it again.
If it’s not working try and go with plan B.
Everyone has a bad gig.
Get feedback from people you respect and
Comedy is addictive.
If you can’t do comedy watch it.
Be professional , turn up , do what is asked
of you, a five minute set or a whole
It takes a while to get enough material to
have a whole show – share the stage with others.
Turn up be professional – don’t read off your
hand, know your material
Manage the fear
Post performance adrenaline – what to do with
Drop into the performance space – don’t just
get on stage – take a moment
Being an MC is different to doing stand up,
you are sign posting the night with a few jokes not doing all of your material.
Comedy rooms are a good way to start but
there are more ways to skin a comedy cat.
Comedy and gender dont get me started.
Don’t confuse commercial success with other
kinds of success.
Don’t expect huge commercial success, so
don’t give up the day job.
Doing comedy festivals is a financial risk
make sure you don’t over commit - be
realistic about venue size ticket sales
excuse me there are crumbs in my comedy