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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Diary of an NDIS Worker Day 81


Dear Diary,

As the heat began to build in Melbourne I was down at the allotments with a client.

We worked hard. Weeding and preparing a new plot.

There were plenty of people there today, for a working bee. 

There was plenty of wisdom there too.

Advice was plentiful on how to clear the plot, constant reminders to rest regularly and drink lots of water.

Good gardeners are great at reusing everything.

Each plot was filled with luscious vegetables and bright pink and orange flowers.

By eleven we were done. Sweaty, but satisfied with the work over the last couple of hours.

We returned tools and wheelbarrows. Had so many conversations about vegetables, the heat and general complimentary comments to each other on the work we had all done.

I came home.


Made a lunch using the huge haul of tomatoes and cucumbers.

I came home thinking about the great Ted Lasso quote..

Smells Like Potential.

One of the best things about the community garden was there was zero screen action, zero AI and I didn't hear anyone talk about Trump.

For more go to justinesless.com

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Diary of an NDIS Worker Day 74


Dear Diary,

Last week C had another fall.

I feel her health is failing rapidly along with her memory.

I am not sure that I am the right carer for her anymore.

I took a new client out for a cup of tea.

They are in a residential mental health facility.

They can leave the facility under supervision for 1 hour blocks 3 times a week...

The hour we spent together was joyful.

They recited poetry.

Tried on their new lipstick.

And showed me photographs from when they were married.

I spent a day with another client chatting and taking them to a medical appointment. It was fun and easy going.

I was contacted by a lady who wants me to help them with their novel on a weekly basis.. Of course I nearly cried .. what a time to be alive..

I registered with another agency.

Said no to an agency that only had clients living far from me. Continued to up the word count on the next book
Spruiked for freelance work.

Slow but steady.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Diary of an NDIS Worker Day 69


Dear Diary,

I have another client.

C has been a constant.

There are days when I am utterly exhausted.

There are days when the habit of looking for the shiny object, the better thing, the thing that will make me feel more successful or bring in more cash shine bright and I want to turn my full attention to that..

I worry about money a lot some days.

And others I just think well I can pay the bills this month, so all is well.

Sometimes I think I should be applying for a 'proper job,'and then I trawl through position descriptions and feel repulsed at the thought of having to demonstrate my ability, complete endless Key Selection Criteria only to be told thanks but no thanks, or worse still enter an environment where the workplace bully is allowed to stomp through the minds and crush the souls of all who work there..

It all just has to be ok.

And then I worry again, am I self sabotaging by working in a role that is casual and sometimes pays less than I am used to being paid..

And then a friend told me this great line..

'Worrying is just praying for something you don't want.'

When I started this Diary Trump had just won the election.

Now he's in office with a 2 gender rule.. 
and the Nazi salute is trending on twitter...

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Diary of an NDIS Support Worker Day 56


Dear Diary,

This week I saw C twice.

The first time we sorted through their bedroom in readiness for a new bed.

I have never considered myself to be a patient person.

Maybe this is a new attribute.

I worked with a new client.

The best way to describe the work is psycho social support.

And whilst my income has dropped significantly I'm still happier and calmer than I have been in a long time.

Day by day.

That's all we got.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Diary of an NDIS Worker Day 49


Dear Diary,

Today I took a new client to an appointment.

We spoke a lot about incidental connection versus scheduled contact.

Sometimes it is the silence of a day, as debilitating as a shackle.

Sometimes it is the tinkling sound of a giggling child that can illuminate a day.

Sometimes a friend cancels, and the evening looms, a spectre of despair.