Dear Diary,
Last week C had another fall.
I feel her health is failing rapidly along with her memory.
I am not sure that I am the right carer for her anymore.
I took a new client out for a cup of tea.
They are in a residential mental health facility.
They can leave the facility under supervision for 1 hour blocks 3 times a week...
The hour we spent together was joyful.
They recited poetry.
Tried on their new lipstick.
And showed me photographs from when they were married.
I spent a day with another client chatting and taking them to a medical appointment. It was fun and easy going.
I was contacted by a lady who wants me to help them with their novel on a weekly basis.. Of course I nearly cried .. what a time to be alive..
I registered with another agency.
Said no to an agency that only had clients living far from me. Continued to up the word count on the next book
Spruiked for freelance work.
Slow but steady.