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Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Domestic Engineer has just left the building - crumbs!

The domestic engineer has left the building 

School shoes have gone AWOL.
Homework tasks vanished 
The heating has been left on
And on and on and on.

The cat pissed on the rug
The door was shut all night.
There's a drought in the dog’s water bowl 
And a walk seems quite unlikely.

Dishes are not done.
Tumbleweeds of dust
Take up residence inside
With out paying any rent.

Skulking mounds of washing
Shirk in some unusual places.
Surfaces begin to slump
Under the weight of all the crumbs.

No interest is paid
To the incidentals of the day.
Footy matches missed
Training pushed aside.

The toothpaste has runout.
Bills remain unpaid.
The domestic engineer
Has left the building.

And no-one else has made the grade.
